Marketing Innovation: A Digital Media Explosion


Marketing innovation solves some of the most complex challenges we have ever faced as a society and a global community. Also, marketing innovation almost takes place daily with the explosion of channels we use to gather, consume and share information we need to stay on top of current and future trends in order to exceed client needs. Below is a collection of articles that includes tips for staying on top of innovation, a case study and how to prepare for marketing in 2020.

5 Ways To Be More Innovative In The Digital Age

The following guest post is by Shama Kabani, a business strategist for the digital age, and serves as founder & CEO of The Marketing Zen Group (a full-service web marketing & digital PR firm). She is also the author of The Zen of Social Media Marketing (3rd edition).

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Five Innovation Trends For CMOs

This article is by Lisa Nirell, chief energy officer at EnergizeGrowth, a marketing consultancy; speaker; and author of The Mindful Marketer: How to Stay Present and Profitable in a Data-Driven World. The digital marketing train has left the station. Thankfully, more than 7,000 eager passengers jumped aboard the fast-moving Adobe Digital Summit last […] Tweet This!

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How BuzzSumo Uses Their Product as Their Marketing Platform

Depending on our job descriptions, our goals, and our budgets, we all use a mixture of tools to create, promote or measure content. One tool that I’ve started using is BuzzSumo. I use it to discover content that’s been heavily shared, find influencers for niche topics, receive targeted content alerts based on keywords and to check on specific sites’ content performance.

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Are you ready for marketing in 2020?

The explosion of channels we all use to gather, consume and share information is having a dramatic impact on the methods of modern marketers. We largely don’t answer cold calls, respond to unwanted emails, click on banner ads or appreciate disruptive marketing techniques.

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What can Pam Didner do for you?

Being in the corporate world for 20+ years and having held various positions from accounting and supply chain management, and marketing to sales enablement, she knows how corporations work. She can make you and your team a rock star by identifying areas to shine and do better. She does that through private coaching, keynote speaking, workshop training, and hands-on consulting. Contact her or find her on LinkedIn and Twitter. A quick note: Check out her new 90-Day Revenue Reboot, if you are struggling with marketing.